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Icône - ampoule

The creative agency that brings your ideas to life.

Illustration de la mascotte d'Octopy, représentant un poulpe tenant une multitude d'objets dans ses tentacules.

Do you have a project in mind? We are the experts in interactivity and visuals who will be your support from A to Z!

Illustration de la mascotte d'Octopy, représentant un poulpe tenant une multitude d'objet dans ses tentacules.
Illustration de la mascotte d'Octopy, représentant un poulpe tenant une multitude d'objets dans ses tentacules.
Tâche pour l'Illustration avec la Mascotte d'Octopy
Tâche pour l'Illustration avec la Mascotte d'Octopy
Tâche pour l'Illustration avec la Mascotte d'Octopy
Tâche pour l'Illustration avec la Mascotte d'Octopy
Illustration de la section de présentation d'Octopy
Octopy in a few words

Your project managers

Illustration de la section de présentation d'Octopy

We firmly believe that each project is unique and deserves a special attention. This requires a deep understanding of your needs and their impacts. That's why we position ourselves as real partners, committed and attentive, to support you from conception to realization. 🤝

Our long-standing experience in project delivery has allowed us to develop an innovative and, of course, highly effective approach. But what constitutes a successful project for us after all?

Icône Objectif

Your goals have been achieved and ideally surpassed

Icône Fier

We are all proud of the result

Icône compter sur nous

You know you can count on us for your next projects

Our services

Our wide range of skills allows us to have a comprehensive understanding of your needs from every angle and to anticipate their impacts. This enables us to guarantee a clear and customized vision throughout the project! 🔭

Mascotte octopy Poulpe
icône du service Web & App d'Octopy

Interactivity from conception to realization: Serious Games, UI/UX, mobile applications, website creation or redesign, and any other interactive experience.

icône graphic design

Do you need to create or update your brand image? Logo, corporate identity and style guide, infographics, print media... discover all our skills!

icône du service de consulting d'Octopy

A leap into the unknown, a desire to optimize production, a need for an audit? Call on project management experts to guide you, create working documents or train your teams.

Our innovative process

Based on the best practices that we have tested and refined over the projects we have lead.

Illustration de notre méthode d'innovation en direction de projet
Illustration de notre méthode d'innovation en direction de projet


Managed projects
Years of experience

Focused on your needs and the user ones.

We have observed that the most impactful production issues stem from strategic choices in project management. 🧠

Nous avons donc créé notre approche pour garantir un perfect alignment on the vision of the result between us and our customers, always focused on the user experience!. Et ce quelque soit l’étape ! 🕹️

As a partner, we also intervene to help define the limits of a project and its specifications, providing our advice and our experience. conseils et notre expérience. 🎓

Icône d'un document de travail avec un crayon

A project to be realized?

We can take care of it!

Do you have a project? A simple idea in mind?
Or just want to have a virtual coffee? ☕️

We can't wait to talk with you! 💬

Illustration d'une tentacule écrivant une lettre pour envoyer un message à Octopy